Cooking Class

Cooking Class (On-Site) 现场烹饪课

Class Introduction | 课程简介

Level 程度
: Basic (初级)
Language 语言
: Mandarin (华语)
Time 时间
: 11am to 1pm (早上11时至下午1时)
Venue 地点
: 37 Jalan Pemimpin #01-08, Mapex S577177
Nearest MRT 地铁站
: Marymount (CC16), Exit B (玛丽蒙站 CC16, B出口)

*Class duration is around 60 to 90 mins(*上课时间约60至90分钟)

Learn how to make simple yet yummy dishes with Song-Cho’s cookware and appliances! You may invite your friends and learn together! 学习如何利用松厨炊具和小家电烹调简单美味的菜肴并了解如何运用和清洗多层不锈钢炊具。你还可邀请几位朋友一起参加一同学习哦!

Complimentary for customers who have purchased Song-Cho’s cookware and/or appliances. If you have not made a purchase from us and are interested in attending the class, do submit the form as well (indicate a dash at non-relevant fields) or call us at 62811198 to register.


  • Learn how to use various appliances to cook simple and yummy dishes.
  • Learn how to use and maintain multiply stainless steel cookware.
  • Products featured: wok, rice cooker, pressure cooker and pot/ pan.
  • Dishes (subject to change): rice, pan-fried fish, stir-fry bee hoon, meat dish, curry, and soup.
  • Participants will get a chance to ask questions.
  • A copy of the recipes will be provided.


  • No food tasting, please bring your own container(s) to pack the food.


  • 学习如何操作松厨小家电并烹调简单美味的菜肴。
  • 学习如何使用和清洗不锈钢炊具。
  • 产品简介:炒菜锅,电饭锅,气压锅和汤锅。
  • 示范菜肴(可更换): 米饭,煎鱼,炒青菜,焖米粉,肉品,咖喱 和汤品。
  • 可发问问题。
  • 将获得食谱一份。


  • 没有食物品尝,请自备容器来装食物。

How to sign up? 如何报名?

Select your preferred date and register by clicking "SUBMIT" or call us at 6281 1198 or 6333 1198 to register.

选择你要的日期,填妥表格提交即可。 或拨电 6281 1198 / 6333 1198 询问及报名。

Questions? 问题?

Call us at 6281 1198 or 6333 1198 or email to

可拨电 6281 1198或6333 1198 询问或发电邮到

registration form


** Upon registration, we will call you around one week in advance to confirm your attendance.
** 注册课程后,我们会在开课的约一个星期前拨电再次和您确认。